When language is not a barrier

When language is not a barrier

The contents of TV adverts vary from country to country. Admittedly, you have to shape the content according to each culture. Keeping this in mind, isn't it fantastic to come across ads that transcend cultural boundaries? After all, it just goes to show that, despite language and cultural boundaries, there are a lot of common concepts across continents.

1. Big Big Ad

This is a timeless piece from Australia. The rugged and the dainty; how in the world do you mingle classical music with modern sports and come away looking like a star? Well, this advert does it in style. It just goes to show that beer is the common ground for everything, doesn't it? On a side note, you have to love the comic timing of the ad creators. Just as you reach the end of the ad and ponder to self that this must have taken a truckload of money to make, the copy of the ad playfully points it out as well.

2. Fun with politics

Here's another fantastic ad that was made South of the equator. Given its topical content, it must have been made in the 2008 – 2009 period. In a nutshell, it's about politics and elections in South Africa. Guess what has been the most popular political party in that country for ages? The African National Congress, of course. And what is ANC talking about this year? Well, let's just say, the ANC is not having sleepless night about the newest political party and they are not worried about this party nabbing some of their voters.

3. We all need insurance

This funny little ad is from Netherlands. It's an ad for an award winning insurance company called Central Beheer. Their ads are almost always quirky and expressive, with the minimal amount of verbal input. So the ads manage to transcend the language barrier. Is it any wonder that they've won so many awards? Classic and creative, Beheer ads seem to be tapping into the ultimate nightmare list of an obsessive compulsive person. Where else do they get their inspiration?