Funny Chinese Animated News

Funny Chinese Animated News

A friend pointed out this Chinese animated news story about the whole Conan/Leno kerfuffle. Can I just say that this was one of the best summaries of the event I have seen so far, not to mention really entertaining? Looks like they add animated updates about a number of news events, most of which, I must admit, are local news presented in Chinese.

Conan and Leno Fight

First up, there is the Conan/Leno summary. Like I said earlier, these guys presented an animated version of the whole mess. I thought they did a good job in this regard. And you have to love how they poked fun at the network mindset, the sort of thinking that lead to this mess in the first place. By the way, what's with the superhero costumes or rather, what's with the getup Leno ended up with? Is this a hint that someone should retire? Watch out for the bit where Letterman comes running up with the chair, bit of Ricki Lake moment there.

The Tiger Woods Affair

Of course this would make it to everyone's news radar. It was the news of the week/month for a while, wasn't it? This story had so many melodramatic elements to it that you just had to read out the details. There was no need for dramatic enactment as such, or so I thought. Check out the way these guys have presented the Tiger Woods fiasco.

The animated bits start around 0:35. Watch for that hilarious clubbing scene; it's one of those moments when folks creating it put a bit of thought into how it would have looked, with eyes meeting across dance floor and all that. The funniest bit by far was 0:53. It's about Woods continuing his affair despite having kids. Nice touch there, showing him holding a kid whilst calling her. Sort of drives the message home, doesn't it?

Another Update about Woods

Alright, so they have already talked about Woods but this is an update worth checking out. It's about Woods allegedly paying off his lovers so they don't blab to the press. Or something along those lines. I was just amused at the way certain aspects were presented. For instance, wait for 0:30. Whatever it was that Woods told her in that moment, that strange cuddle pose makes you giggle, doesn't it? I love the fact that they put in a bit of effort and got different facial expression for various moment. Check out 1:29 where they portray the family dispute about mom's mansion.

Tragic Local Story

Warning, bit of graphic violence is shown in this one. Their animations were fascinating to watch (this is worse than LOLcats) and so I got around to watching their local news stories. This one freaked me out quite a bit. This one was not in English and it didn't have any subtitles either. That certainly didn't take away from the story; in fact, you can guess what happened just by watching the video. Er, how horrid is the series of events depicted in this one? I should warn you, the acts of violence shown in this was disconcerting to watch. Did the guy bash up his mom using a pot plant? I am glad he is going to jail for this crime. At least she seemed alright in the end.